Atari 7800+ FAQs

Q: Will this play Atari game cartridges?

A: Absolutely! The 7800+ can play both Atari original 2600 and Atari 7800 cartridges, and new cartridges from our Atari XP program.

Q: How is the Atari 7800+ different from the original Atari 7800?

A: We’ve enhanced the 7800+ from the original in the following ways:
- HDMI output makes it easy to connect
- Widescreen mode
- 80% of original size
- Enlarged cartridge socket to reduce game cartridge sticking

Q: Is the Atari 7800+ smaller than the original Atari 7800?

A: At 80% of original size, the 7800+ retains the iconic look and feel of the original, while also making it easier to fit into modern living spaces.

Q: Can I use the Atari CX40+ Joystick and CX30+ paddle controllers with the original Atari 2600 or 7800?

A: Yes, the CX40+ Joystick and CX30+ Paddle Controllers have DB9 connectors and are compatible with original Atari hardware.

Q: Does the Atari 2600+ use emulation software to play game cartridges?

A: Yes, the Atari 7800+ uses emulation technology to play game cartridges. View the full list of compatible games here.

Q: Why doesn't my 7800+ come with a power adapter?

A: Consistent with other consumer electronics manufacturers like Apple, Atari has elected to not include USB-C power adapters with the product for two reasons: 1) global compatibility as different markets have different power requirements, and 2) to minimize unnecessary waste as many consumers have spare power adapters available.